Sunday, August 22, 2010

We can build a brand new world, and have another way.

i am like at peace today. im so glad that i am away from everything and down the shore for the week. I can see clearly all the things i never paid attention to. i am finding my strength to overcome the things that i have been suffering so much over.
I am seeing outside the box of all the drama within the rooms and im fighting it. Im staying away but i am also standing up for myself which i never do. I always just go with the flow and do what people want but not anymore. I was selfish in my addiction but now im going to be selfish in my recovery. I am going to do me and only me. I see others struggling to do that but i am at a part of my life where i have overcome that struggle.
I have been coming to the rooms for a year now almost and im ready. I am ready for a new life filled with faith, hope, and inspiration. I am willing to do whatever it takes to exceed in my life and not care about others. I am sick of being a people pleaser, of pretending to be someone that im not, of dealing with sick people, some that are sicker than others. I know that i am sick too but at least im self aware. Today someone told me that they could say so much shit to me but why do i care? what could they possibly say to me that i dont already know. duhhh. I know what's right and wrong but sometimes i am impulsive and just do what i want regardless if its moral or not. Its definitely something i know and need to work on. Im sorry to everyone that i have hurt for my impulsive actions, but i have always done and its a working progress to change, its not going to happen overnight.

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